Gerald Holcomb
Who was Gerald Holcomb? What was his real relationship to Blanche Cholet or Robert Cholet?
From 1929 to 1935, both the US Census of 1930 and Los Angeles Voter Registration records report that Robert Cholet and “Blanche Cholet” lived together, and living with them was Gerald Holcomb (of Michigan), listed in the census as “cousin”. However, if he was a cousin, it must have been to Blanche, as Robert had no known relatives in the United States at that time. Both Gerald and Blanche died in 1959 (per the grave marker) and these two are buried at Forest Lawn in Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale), Lot 5641, Space 5. (FAG #73431551)
Gerald shares a gravestone with Blanche, and his marker inscription reads “Beloved Brother” to Blanche. If this Blanche is actually “Blanche Cholet”, then it is significant that the grave stone reads “Blanche O Brown” rather than Cholet. Brown may be her maiden name; but the Los Angeles records report her as Blanche Cholet up until her death. As well, this inscription is at odds with the relationship given in the census.